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นารีรมย์ รัตนสัมฤทธิ์
เรณุมาศ มาอุ่น


The purposes of this research were 1) to study self-care behaviours of the elderly based on Active Aging Concept. 2) to study the causal factors of self-care behaviours of elderly people according to Active Aging principle. 3) To build a model that promote self-care behaviours of elderly people as Active Aging principle. This research is a Mixed Methods Research. A population sample in research was ageing between 60-70 years old of 4 regions from Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Ratchasima, Ayutthaya and Bangkok. The samples were selected by using the formula of Taro Yamane to choose 1,814 elderly people for the sample. The instrumentation in the research study consists of the questionnaire that judged by professional. The types of statistical data analysis were used percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and multiple regression.

          The research found that:

  1.         The self-care behaviours of the elderly based on the active ageing concept found that most of the elderly have self-care behaviours at a high level from 972 people or 53.60 percentage followed by 785 people or 43.39 percentage and the last from 57 people or 3.10 percentage.

  2. The causal factors of self-care behaviour of elderly people according to the active ageing concept that affects to self-care behaviours of the elderly was the internal factors with 3 variables, there was a knowledge rating of being elderly at a high level or 45.70. next one was a recognition of being elderly at mid-level or 40.20 and an attitude of being elderly at a low level or 39.00. The next one was external factors, there was the social support for health care as Active Aging, it showed mid-level or 42.90 percentage.

  3. the encouragement of self-care behaviours model as Active Aging Concept consists of 5 keys were 1) the concepts and principles of the model 2) The objective of the model 3) The contents of the model 4) The process of the model 5) The assessment and follow-up performance.

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How to Cite
รัตนสัมฤทธิ์ น., & มาอุ่น เ. (2019). THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF SELF-CARE BEHAVIOURS MODEL BASED ON OF ACTIVE AGING CONCEPT TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR SENIORS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4455–4472. retrieved from
Research Articles


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