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กิตติพร เนาว์สุวรรณ
ภาวดี เหมทานนท์
จิตฤดี รอดการทุกข์
อัญชนา วิชช์วัฒนางกูร
นรานุช ขะระเขื่อน


            This descriptive research was to compare of participate in social activities for the Thai Muslim elderly in 7 provinces of lower southern of Thailand, classified by age, gender, sufficiency of income, and perceived health status. Samples were 159 elderly people aged 60 years and over who are Muslims living in 7 provinces in the lower southern of Thailand, including Trang, Phatthalung, Songkhla, Satun, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. Samples were sampling by Multistage Random Sampling. The data were collected by questionnaire for health care needs from local government organizations were IOC values ​​between .67 - 1.00 and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .894. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t –test statistics, and statistics. One-way ANOVA and double test with Scheffe method.

          The result of the study revealed:

          Participation in social activities of Thai Muslim elderly in 7 provinces of lower southern of Thailand were significant difference in sex and sufficiency of income at the level of .05. Male had more participation in social activities than female and who had enough income was participation in social activities more than other group. Thai Muslim elderly group 60 - 70 years of age had more participated in social activities more than other groups of age with statistical significance at .05 level, and who perceived high health status that they were participated in social activities more than other groups with statistics significantly at the level of .001.

          Thai Muslim elderly who were male, have sufficient income, aged between 60-70 years, and perceived high health status, that more participation in social activities than other groups. Therefore, that should be studied to enhance Thai Muslim elderly other groups to participate in more social activities.

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เนาว์สุวรรณ ก., เหมทานนท์ ภ., รอดการทุกข์ จ., วิชช์วัฒนางกูร อ., & ขะระเขื่อน น. (2019). PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THAI MUSLIMS ELDERLY IN 7 PROVINCES OF LOWER SOUTHERN OF THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 4740–4753. retrieved from
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