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วีรศักดิ์ ตะหน่อง
พนายุทธ เชยบาล


The purposes of the research were to 1) study the state of quality school management of OBECQA Awarded the schools 2) create the management strategy of quality schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, and 3) evaluate the management strategy of quality schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The research process was Mixed Method Research and consisted of 3 phases. Phase 1: study the state of quality school management of the schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission which included the sample of 140 administrators, using a questionnaire for data collection (Reliability = 0.97), to analyze mean and standard deviation Average 4.80 Phase 2: create the management strategy of quality schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission by 1) stuyding on the best practice toward five schools which received the Basic Education Commission Quality Award (OBECQA) and 2) conducting the expert group meeting with 15 experts. Phase  3: evaluate the management strategy of quality school under the Office of the Basic Education Commission from 400 administrators under the Office of Basic Education, and 4 aspects evaluation form which consisted of the suitability, the accuracy, coverage, possibility, and utility. for mean and standard deviation analysis Average 4.80

          The research results showed that 

  1. The state of schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission performed at the highest rating overall and each asspects.

  2. The quality of school under the Office of the Basic Education Commission Included 7 categories as follows: 1) the organizational leading strategy 2) the school planning strategy, 3) The strategy of the students and the stake holders participation 4) the measurement, analysis and knowledge management strategy, 5) the school personnel strategy, 6) the internal school operation strategy, and 7) the setting of school output strategy.

  1. The management strategy of quality school under the Office of the Basic Education Commission consisted of 4 aspects including suitability, the accuracy, coverage, possibility, and utility which were at the high level.

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How to Cite
ตะหน่อง ว., & เชยบาล พ. (2019). THE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF QUALITY SCHOOLS UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4527–4542. retrieved from
Research Articles


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