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ประสิทธิ์ พันธวงษ์
บุญรัตน์ ครุฑคง
พระมหาดิลกรัศมี ฐิตจาโร
วิสัย พัฒนพงศ์
จำเริญ ชูช่วยสุวรรณ


The purposes of this study were to: (1) find knowledge of Thai Traditional Medicine of monks in Suratthani (2) manage the exchange process of learning Thai traditional medicine of monks in Suratthani (3) and capture lessons learned of management Thai traditional medicine. It was a qualitative and field notes research by in-depth interviews consists of Thai Traditional Medicine of Buddhist Monks of 11 Monks and Thai Traditional Medicine 7 person Total 18 monks /person. Research results by analyzing descriptive methods were presented.

          The results showed that:

          Knowledge Management for Thai Traditional Medicine of Buddhist Monks in Surat Thani Province was a process. The management of knowledge were consisted of 1) finding knowledge of Thai Traditional Medicine of monks in Suratthani which/divided into three category : (1) knowledge gained from experiences could not find clear evidence (2) knowledge in Black Bud , White Bud, Bai Larn, books and various texts with clear evidence (3) Buddhist Monks responsible for herbs collected into a category was very fast and easy to find 2) exchange process for learning Thai monk's traditional medicine in Suratthani I was a platform for share experiences. Bringing experiences to share was found that there were and differences points. Resulting in the creation of a knowledge area could be made into a set. Presenting sources of information were referenced to further learning resources. 3) capturing lessons learned of management process of Thai traditional medicine of monks in Suratthani was found that the use of distinctive points of the Thai traditional medicine of monks being useful to a public. Continuing knowledge of communication was continued learning and could extend knowledge to next generations by driving through activities and provincial herbal development plans in Surat Thani.

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How to Cite
พันธวงษ์ ป., ครุฑคง บ., ฐิตจาโร พ., พัฒนพงศ์ ว., & ชูช่วยสุวรรณ จ. (2019). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR THAI TRADITIONAL MEDICINE OF BUDDHIST MONKS IN SURAT THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4056–4075. retrieved from
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