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ปัญญา เลิศไกร
นิลรัตน์ นวกิจไพฑูรย์
ลัญจกร นิลกาญจน์
กฤตพร แซ่แง่ สายจันทร์


Innovation management for organization development is what leaders and members of the organization place importance to because in the era of fast and convenient communication where various alternatives for service uses are provided, an organization needs to be a high performance one in order to offer suitable services to service users. Integrating innovation into the work process and proper innovation management are factors contributing to a powerful organization which can create continuous and sustainable quality work pieces.

          Innovation Management for Organizational Development. Emphasizing the process of developing human potential to be a person of learning and define the common vision of members in the organization. Use innovation as a management model to plan the right strategy. Will make the members of the organization be a group of people learning and lead to a learning organization or a high performance organization with continuous development of human and team capabilities. Will be an important issue of in which the people in the organization are able to jointly define a challenging and valuable vision able to create suitable strategic plans to create quality work for the organization For society sustainably.

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How to Cite
เลิศไกร ป., นวกิจไพฑูรย์ น., นิลกาญจน์ ล., & แซ่แง่ สายจันทร์ ก. (2019). INNOVATION MANAGEMENT FOR ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 3745–3757. retrieved from
Academic Article


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