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กศิพัฎญ์ ทองแกม
โฆสิต แพงสร้อย


This research article Problems and guidelines for solving OTOP products in Udon Thani province, Thailand, The following aims 1) Knowledge and history of OTOP products in Udon Thani province 2) Current conditions, problems of OTOP products in Udon Thani 3) OTOP product development for community economics, By using a qualitative research process which collects data from documents and field data Which uses research tools consisting of observation forms Interview and group discussion of the guidelines workshop. The results were presented data analysis the aim of the research the descriptive analysis.As for the sample group selection, purposive sampling was used from 25 knowledge groups, 50 practitioners and 25 general informants. A total of 100 people were provided to provide useful information for the study of problems. And solutions for OTOP products in Udon Thani province            The results showed that 1) OTOP products in Udon Thani province Relating to the way of the villagers and the community is a product that is created from the folk wisdom caused by the culture Traditions and way of life Which has a history of thousands of years according to archaeological evidence, Ban Chiang World Heritage With traces of humanity in those days showing the culture that has developed in many ways In particular, the knowledge, ability or wisdom that is a tool for helping those people to live and build a society - the culture of human beings for a long time. Production of OTOP products will be free from the farming of villagers in the community, producing household products for use, exchanging with other types of products and selling them as products of a reasonable opportunity. 2) Current conditions of OTOP products in Udon Thani Province OTOP product operators lack the management of raw materials, labor, capital, appropriate technology. And creativity Resulting in a shortage of raw materials used in the production process Use people who don't match the job. Use the money of the business for personal use Lack of appropriate technology for production lacking creativity is just an imitation of other entrepreneurs. 3) Develop OTOP products for community economics, Udon Thani province, should have a guideline that is to create standards in production processes to meet the same standards, create and develop new OTOP entrepreneurs. Educating by training in capital management Raw material management From upstream, midstream and downstream of OTOP entrepreneurs in Ban Chiang community The introduction of production technology combined with cultural capital and wisdom of Ban Chiang community To create products and services To increase the value of products and services, linking Ban Chiang World Heritage Sites Substitute the imitation of products and services of other community OTOP operators.

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How to Cite
ทองแกม ก., & แพงสร้อย โ. (2019). THE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTION OF OTOP PRODUCTS BASED ON THE METHODS OF BUDDHISM IN UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3469–3488. retrieved from
Research Articles


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