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จำเริญ ชูช่วยสุวรรณ
ประสิทธิ์ พันธวงษ์


The purposes of this research were to 1) study Dynamic for the Tapee River Basin Wisdom: the History values and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilization 2) study communication process for the Tapee River Basin Wisdom: the History values and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilization 3) to synthesize the knowledge of the Tapee River Wisdom Community: the History the Values and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilization in Suratthani Province. It was a qualitative and field notes research by in-depth interviews consists 6 Groups is 1) lifestyle Wisdom expert 10 person 2) Academic sociologist and community development 3 person 3) Cultural scholar 2 person 4) Historical scholars 3 person 5) Civil society representatives 5 person 6) Tourism business 4 person Total 27 person. Research results by analyzing descriptive methods were presented.

         The results showed that:

            1) study Dynamic for of the Tapee River Wisdom Community: and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilization in Suratthani Province by the knowledge of geography, culture of the area, community settlement history, way of life, wisdom. 2) Communication process for the Tapee River Basin Wisdom: the History Values and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilizationthe community with 4 factors and the dynamic of connecting routes, eco-tourism networks, Srivichai civilization, etc. 3) synthesize the knowledge of the Tapee River Wisdom Community, the History, the Values and the linkage to Srivichaya Civilization in Suratthani Province. It was considered from the knowledge of the history settlement of communities around Ban Don Bay to open the spirit of Srivijaya and to resurrect with the signs of the way of life, and wisdom rooted into the area of Ban Don Bay. That was in that era, and returned to that land of this era to come up to support the spirit of Srivijaya. That will revive this land by driving through activities and projects of Surat Thani such as innovative community ways, Pracha Rat Market, cultural market and cultural road of Tapee River Basin, the city of good people in Suratthani to survive.

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How to Cite
ชูช่วยสุวรรณ จ., & พันธวงษ์ ป. (2019). THE TAPEE BASIN WISDOM : THE HISTORY VALUES AND THE LINKAGE TO SRIVICHAYA CIVILIZATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 3805–3825. retrieved from
Research Articles


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