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พระปรีชา เถี่ยนกือ (โพธิ์เงิน)
สมโภช ศรีวิจิตรวรกุล
พระมหาเผื่อน กิตฺติโสภโณ


This research The objectives are 1) to study the theories, principles strengthen the Bodhisattva on the ethics of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhist Psychology 2) to analyze and synthesize the Bodhisattva on the ethics of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhist psychology and 3). Buddhist teaching process to move towards a Bodhisattva on the ethics of Mahayana Buddhism along output. Tim Psychology A qualitative study Data from in-depth interviews of scholars who specialize in the field of philosophy and Mahayana various grades of 13 and the Group of 13 experts to verify the integrity of the research.

The results showed that:

          The Faith Acts 4 and 6 aspiration ideology into three principles that can carry humans to the Bodhisattva Way of Mahayana Buddhism is the ethical base. The Bodhisattva on the ethics of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhist psychology. The ethics of Mahayana Buddhism is the main idea of ​​mercy to the creatures who need to be both wise and kindly together in order to achieve the Bodhi condition. The unique characteristic of Mahayana And approaches to strengthen the Bodhisattva on the ethics of Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhist psychology strategies and teaching moral reasoning Kohlberg's developed into the teaching process: 1) assessing the moral reasoning about faith goal. the bodhisattva aspiration Acts 6, 4, 3, 2 and ideology) conducted by intrigue and tactics teaching to Buddhists. Serial to bring back the practice and 3) follow-up assessment of moral reasoning.

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How to Cite
(โพธิ์เงิน) พ. เ., ศรีวิจิตรวรกุล ส., & กิตฺติโสภโณ พ. (2019). A STRENGTHENING GUIDELINE OF THE BODHISATTVA ON THE ETHICAL BASE OF MAHAYANA BUDDHISM ON BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4030–4040. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/214715
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