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วรพล นาหนองตูม


The objectives of this research were 1) to study social capital about types, kind and the ability of people to work together in communities, 2) to set the pattern of social capital promotion to community empowerment for managing drugs problems, and 3) to confirm the pattern of social capital promotion to community empowerment for managing drugs problems. This study is mixed-methods research. The location of qualitative research was Ban Thung Prong, Kut Chik Sub-district, Mueang district, Nong Bua Lam Phu province. The data were collected from a semi-structured interview by using content analysis in research. Next part is quantitative research, the location of this study was Nong Bua Lam Phu province; the data were collected from the questionnaire in total 8,244 papers to get sample group 390 people and using Taro Yamane formula as Multi-stage sampling. After that was analyzed data by using Descriptive Statistics, and Linear Structure Relationship Model. (LISREL)

          Result of the research:

          The social capital was attached to the social organization of the community. The duties of human capital were given information about the solution to drugs problems. There were many kinds of social capital, such as the family institution should be provided basic information about the problems of drugs. The duties of the social institution need to support each other to prevent drugs problems, including with the duties of the social institution of social organization in a community were preventing drugs problems as well, and the duties of Intellectual capital and culture were creating the unity among people in the community. The result showed that the management process in the community to fix the drugs problems has a direct impact from a family institution (β=1.34) as statistical significance 0.05 level. The pattern of social capital promotion to community empowerment for managing drugs problems needs to get support from family capital, social capital, intellectual capital, and culture by starting from the family members.

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How to Cite
นาหนองตูม ว. (2019). PATTERN OF SOCIAL CAPITAL PROMOTION TO COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT FOR MANAGING DRUGS PROBLEMS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3656–3670. retrieved from
Research Articles


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