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เกรียงไกร พินยารัก
พระมหาพรชัย สิริวโร
ณัทธีร์ ศรีดี
ประเวศ อินทองปาน


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the concept of righteousness in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy 2) to study the concept of suffering in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy 3) to analyze the concept of righteousness and suffering in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy. This study is Qualitative research by collecting data from Buddhist scriptures, Atthakatha, books, journals and the related researches. The data analysis by descriptive methods.

           Result of the research:

           1) The righteousness in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy is a life without suffering and has a life goal of pass away, old age, death, overthrew it, “Parideva” lamentation, bemoan, and resentment. A comparison between the Righteousness in Buddhist Philosophy and Virtue, and Justice in western philosophy. The Righteousness has meaning wider than the Virtue, and Justice. The western philosophy has mentioned an impartial judge in society, but an impartial judge in Buddhist Philosophy has mentioned the realism has aspect as objectivity. 2) Buddhist Philosophy has indicated that a suffering condition is difficult to endure as divided into two types.  There was Thukk̄h k̄hạnṭh̒ is suffering from the Five aggregates. the second, the Upàdànakkhandha aggregate of clinging as it describes the impersonal nature of the perception of an individual, permanent, personal self.  3) the adjudication in actions, which would be viewed as impartial by a fair in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy indicated that any action without an aggregate of clinging and no impact on suffering and death. This information dissented with the main idea of a Theory of Justice by John Rawls that mentioned to be followed by the majority of people but some situations were not fair to a small group of people. The conclusion of the result, the details in Tharavada Buddhist Philosophy has adjudicated in actions by principle, method, and objective which able to apply in an impartial judge.

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How to Cite
พินยารัก เ., สิริวโร พ., ศรีดี ณ., & อินทองปาน ป. (2019). A CONCEPT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SUFFERRING IN THERAVADA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3686–3698. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/211953
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