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ศักดา ศิลปาภิสันทน์


The objects of this research were to study the level and internal factors analysis, consist of commitment to the municipality, leadership expectations of municipal administrators, Municipal administrative resources and the implementation of Good Governance Principles affecting the public service of the municipality in Lopburi. The sampling was people in municipality for 400 from 10 municipality in Lopburi Province and and from responsible officer for 7 people, the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as percentile, average to described the general factors and statistical analysis were analyzed by factors analysis for public service, multiple regression analysis for the relationship of each factors effecting the public service of the municipality and the qualitative research supported the quantitative research.

          Research results were found that:

          1.Commitment level to municipality, leadership expectation level, administrative resources of municipality, implementation of Good Governance Principle of municipality and satisfaction level to public service in personal and process for overall were at high level

          2.Increment of the effect of service resources factors, Lop Buri municipality and operation according to Good Governance Principle effecting to the increment of public service in personal and process aspects

  1. Increment of the effect of commitment factors to municipality effecting to decrease of the public service in facilities and service channels

          4.Increment of the effect of leadership expectations of municipal administrators, administrative resources and the implementation of Good Governance Principles of the municipality effecting to increment of facilities and service channels

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How to Cite
ศิลปาภิสันทน์ ศ. (2019). THE INTERNAL FACTORS WITH THE PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE MUNICIPALITIES IN LOPBURI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4397–4408. retrieved from
Research Articles


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