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จินตนา งามเจริญมงคล
สมคิด สร้อยน้ำ
สุเทพ พงศ์ศรีวัฒน์


          The purposes of this study were to develop a leadership model of school administrators based on the wisdom of 4.0 era of Thailand. The research process consisted of four phases. In the first step, the researcher studied leadership theories through analysis of relevant documents, textbooks, articles, and researches (Document Analysis) and the researcher conducted interviews with 5 experts who had both expertise and experiences in the subject concerned.  Next, the researcher constructed the 4.0 leadership model by using Q Methodology with 16experts. The conducted a survey for the appropriateness of the model by 274 school administrators in Northeast of Thailand. Lastly, the research took the verification for the appropriateness of the model through the 9 experts’ group meeting and an evaluation form. 

          The findings were as follows:
          The 4.0 leadership model for the school administrators consists of 3 factors; In the 4.0 era, leaders with visions and commitment to their ideology have the following characteristics in common: having clear and far reaching visions in leading their organizations, leading their organizations with moral and ethics, being determined and committed to their professional’s ideology, being able to continuously manage and adapt their organizations in accordance with ever-changing context of 4.0 era, encouraging members to remain committed to organization’s common goal etc. Leaders of 4.0 era are found to have the following characteristics in the area of organization’s administration and management: Ability to lead member individually and manage the organization as a whole, creative and initiative thinking, communication and interpersonal skills, creativity in manage and solve problems, proactive mindset and behaviors in managing and leading their organizations, being an enthusiastic learner etc. In the area of good governance, leaders of the 4.0 era are found to have the following characteristics; being committed to their principle and lead their organizations with honesty and integrity, having charismatic behaviors, being reliable and trustworthy, being supportive in creating common value in workplaces on teamwork and coordinated work, being able to manage organization with responsibility and accountability, having transparency etc. Upon being surveyed on appropriateness of the leadership model asserted by the current study, managing members of surveyed schools expressed their highest level of agreement towards every factors of the proposed model. Finally, the proposed leadership model received experts’ evaluations in 4 aspects; utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. It was given highest ratings in all aspects.

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How to Cite
งามเจริญมงคล จ., สร้อยน้ำ ส., & พงศ์ศรีวัฒน์ ส. (2019). AN APPLICATION OF Q METHODOLOGY IN DEVELOPING A 4.0 LEADERSHIP MODEL FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3314–3336. retrieved from
Research Articles


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