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พระณัฐพงษ์ สิริสุวณฺโณ (จันทร์โร)
พระณัฐพงษ์ ญาณเมธี (ไกรเทพ)
กันตภณ หนูทองแก้ว
พระธีรวัฒน์ อนาวิโล (ทองบุญชู)
พระมหาศักดิ์ดา สิริเมธี (หารเทศ)


The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1) To study the activity providing in life quality development of elderly people in Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hadyai district, Songkhla province. 2) To compare the activity providing in life quality development of elderly people in Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hadyai district, Songkhla province in terms of sexes and ages as differently. 3) To study the suggestion on problem and resolution were concerned with the activity providing in life quality development of elderly people in Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hadyai district, Songkhla province. This is the mixed methodology research. And questionnaire was used for data collection in term of quantitative research. The population were elders in elderly association Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hadyai district, Songkhla province, totally 130 persons, sample size according to the table of R.V. Krejcie and D.W.Morgan, got the sample at the number of 97 persons and qualitative research data collection by in-depth interview from 9key informants. data analysis by package computer program, The statistics were used in quantitative research as follows, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t–test, F-test and data analysis in qualitative by descriptive analysis.

          The results of the research provided that:

          The activities to improve the quality of life for elderly people of Senior Club, Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hat Yai District, Songkhla. Data analysis of four points have a high level after considered in each point as the results showed that mental health has the highest average in a test, the second one was the environment, and the last one was social interaction. In the next one was comparison activities to improve the quality of life for elderly people of Senior Club; Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy, Hat Yai District, Songkhla. An activity would be classified by gender, age, marital status, education background, and gross monthly income. The result of gender, age, and education background group showed that statistical significance of .05 level which was based on the assumption that the set. Secondly, the result of marital status, and gross monthly income group on four points as it has very similar activities, and statistical significance of .05 level which was based on the assumption that the set. Consequently, the suggestion to fix problems in the activities to improve the quality of life for elderly people of Senior Club; Moo 5, Tambol Namnoy. Hat Yai District, Songkhla. the problems in every activity in this program were it hard to have people to join activities in time. Some of them have personal business to finish and work full time moreover, some of the seniors need to take care of a grandchild, and seniors were not available at the same time. The suggestions to fix the problems, it should set the schedule on the time that most of the seniors were available or notified to them to join activities. It should create activity type more interesting, and explain the benefits of joining the activities.

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สิริสุวณฺโณ (จันทร์โร) พ., ญาณเมธี (ไกรเทพ) พ., หนูทองแก้ว ก., อนาวิโล (ทองบุญชู) พ., & สิริเมธี (หารเทศ) พ. . (2019). THE ACTIVITY PROVIDING IN LIFE QUALITY DEVELOPMENT OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN MOO 5, TAMBOL NAMNOY, HAD-YAI DISTRICT, SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 3788–3804. retrieved from
Research Articles


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