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ภาณุศักร หงษ์ทอง
สุวพร เซ็มเฮง
พรชุลี ลังกา


This research aimed to 1) study state and the needs assessment of academic management of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood; 2) create an academic management model of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood; and 3) evaluate feasibility and utility for applying an academic management model of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood This research uses a mixed method research, the sample of quantitative research was the perspectives of the involved 576 personnel in educational institutions by stratified random sampling and the qualitative research uses 9 experts by purposive sampling. A questionnaire, a semi-structured interview form, and evaluation forms were used as tools for collecting data. Mean, Standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) were employed for analyzing quantitative data. Content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data.

          The results revealed that:

  1. The present state on academic management of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood was rated at high level and the needs assessment was rated at moderate level.

  2. An academic management model of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood consisted of 5 main factors, S-C-AL-E-S. There were 1) Staff: Administrator, Teacher and Parent, 2) Curriculum: School Curriculum, 3) Active Learning: Learning by Doing, 4) Environment: Environment, Instructional Media and Learning Resources, and 5) Supervision: Educational Supervision. Each factor was operated by PDCA managing processes.

          3. The evaluation of feasibility and utility for applying the academic management model of educational institutions in Bangkok for developing Executive Function of early childhood was rated at the highest level.

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How to Cite
หงษ์ทอง ภ., เซ็มเฮง ส., & ลังกา พ. (2019). AN ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN BANGKOK FOR DEVELOPING EXECUTIVE FUNCTION (EF) OF EARLY CHILDHOOD. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2766–2786. retrieved from
Research Articles


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