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มนวิภา พวงลำเจียก
สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่
ระวิง เรืองสังข์
อิษยา สาธรสันติกุล


          This study has the following objectives: 1) the study of the problems of leadership, creativity, based on reflective thinking for administrators, early childhood education, 2) development of leadership development, creativity, based on reflective thinking for early childhood education and 3. ) presents a model of leadership development, creativity as the main place for reflective thinking in early childhood education. Under the Local Government This research combines research methods. The regulations include a qualitative research study document. Depth interviews School administrators Number 5 / person and group chat. The experts 8 Man Picture and quantitative research. The samples administrators of early childhood education. Under the 379 local government statistical analysis using percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          The research found that:

  1. Problems of leadership, creativity, based on reflective thinking for preschool education administrators find creative problem with the 5 elements of leadership in the field of flexible 1) flexibility 2) imagination 3) aspects Intellectual ability or intelligence 4) creative problem solving 5) vision

  2. Model of leadership development, creativity, based on reflective thinking for preschool education. Under the Local Government consists of five parts: 1) the development of teaching of teachers 2) the purpose of improving the teaching of master teachers 3) the development of the teaching of the Master Teacher, 4) bringing the format to use. 5) the conditions of success

  3. leadership model developed by creative place for reflective thinking in early childhood education. Under the Local Government consists of five parts: 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. The process of leadership development, creativity consists of 1) the composition of the leadership, creativity, 2) develop a creative process based on reflective thinking, 3) feature a party. be creative by Yonisomanasikara 4) main Yonisomanasikara 5) projects, leadership development ideas. inventive by the way, 10 Yonisomanasikara

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พวงลำเจียก ม., บุญปู่ ส., เรืองสังข์ ร., & สาธรสันติกุล อ. (2019). A MODEL OF CREATIVE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT BASED ON YONISOMANASIKARA FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS UNDER LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGARNIZATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2988–3006. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/202221
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