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พระมหาศุภวัฒน์ สุขดำ


This research aims to 1) To study the current state and problems of Buddhist Way of Life School Administration in Songkhla Province. 2) To create School Administration Model in Buddhist Way of Life in Songkhla Province. 3) To examine and confirm School Administration Model in Buddhist Way of Life in Songkhla Province this research is a mixed and qualitative research both qualitative and quantitative with the method of conducting research into 3 phases: Phase 1, Use In-Depth Interview method to interview 54 interviewers. Phase 2, Use questionnaires with 112 schools of sample group. And Phase              3, using 10 people Connoisseurship seminars. Statistics used to analyze are Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and t-test.

          The research found that

  1.  The study results of current conditions and problems of Administration of Buddhist Way of life School in Songkhla Province showed that The Buddhist Way of Life School Project is defined in the strategic plan of the Office of Educational Service Area. And the school fulfills the policy by receiving support from all concerned parties but still having problems in supervision, monitoring, evaluation of the Office of Educational Service Area Lack of attention and focus on projects from those involved. Lack of continuity policy, lack of budget and 29 identities. Some school indicators are not practical.

  2.  The results of the construction of the Buddhist Way of life School Administration in Songkhla Province showed that the comparing information research result about the level of practice of Buddhist Way of Life School which got the highest score, lowest score in overall from the evaluation of 29 identities found that it is at the high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest aspect of the administration was average, followed by the organization. And budget with the same lowest mean in all level of score and to find the difference of the highest level of score and the lowest level of score in overall, the differences were statistically significant level at .05. When considering each aspect, it was found that the organization and the personnel arrangement of work are differing significantly at the level of .05.

  3.  The results of the examination and confirmation of School Administration Model in Buddhist Way of Life, Songkhla Province showed that the expert’s opinions on the administrative style of the Buddhist Way of Life School in Songkhla Province the overall is at the highest level. The Suitability of the developing process of School Administration Model in Buddhist Way of Life, Songkhla Province is in a clear and appropriate form and consistent. Clearly identify the elements of the pattern and can be used in the operation of the Buddhist Way of Life School in Songkhla Province. And for the possibility this form is acceptable. There is a possibility for schools that apply to join the Buddhist Way of Life School project can apply this pattern in the real situations.

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How to Cite
สุขดำ พ. (2019). SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION MODEL IN BUDDHIST WAY OF LIFE IN SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 3188–3211. retrieved from
Research Articles


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