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สันติ แสงระวี
วีระยุทธ ชาตะกาญจน์
จำเริญ ชูช่วยสุวรรณ


The purposes of this research were 1) to analyze the present condition and needs for management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award; 2) to develop a management model accordingly; and 3) to test and evaluate the management model. The subjects of the study were 125 directors of Primary Educational Service Area Offices, 3 experts in educational management, and 9 experts in public sector management consisting of 3 academicians with expertise or work concerning public sector management during 2013 – 2015, 3 high-level education administrators of the Ministry of Education, and 3 directors of Primary Educational Service Area Offices who were successful in administration. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, content analysis, and modified priority needs index (PNImodified).

          The study results revealed as follows:

  1. The present overall condition of the management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award in all 7 categories was at a high level. When considered by category, it was found that Category 1 Leadership, and Category 2 Strategic Planning had the same highest means (mean = 4.05.), followed by Category 7 Results of Implementation (mean = 4.00), and Category 6 Process Management with the lowest mean (mean = 3.89). Regarding the overall need for management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award in all the seven categories, it was at the highest level. When considered by category, it was found that Category 1 Leadership had at the highest mean (mean = 4.63), followed by Category 2 Strategic Planning, and Category 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management with the same mean (mean = 4.61), and Category 6 Process Management with the lowest mean (mean = 4.57). For the study results concerning the present condition and the needs for management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award, it was found that the means for the needs for management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award were higher than those for the present condition of the management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award in all the seven categories. The results of the test of the modified priority needs (PNImodified) revealed that Category 6 Process Management had the highest PNImodified value (0.26), followed by Category 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (PNImodified = 0.17), and Category 2 Strategic Planning with the lowest PNImodified value (0.13).

  2. The management model for Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award consisted of three stages according to the systems theory: 1. Input, 2. Process, and 3. Output, outcome and feedback. Input consisted of man, money, materials, management, and motivations which were the starting point and important mechanisms of the organization. Process consisted of public sector management quality award which comprised 1) leadership, 2) strategic planning, 3) stakeholders, 4) measurement, analysis, and knowledge management, 5) human resources management, 6) process management, and 7) results of implementing Ministry of Education policies and strategies. Output consisted of effectiveness and outcome which were quality of management of Primary Educational Service Area Offices with feedback as data and information for organizational quality development in the following years

            3. The management model for Primary Educational Service Area Offices according to public sector management quality award was found to be suitable and feasible for implementation.

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How to Cite
แสงระวี ส., ชาตะกาญจน์ ว., & ชูช่วยสุวรรณ จ. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICES ACCORDING TO PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT QUALITY AWARD (PMQA). Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(7), 3552–3571. retrieved from
Research Articles


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