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พระบุญเพ็ง สิทธิวงษา
โยษิตา หลวงสุรินทร์
อมรรัตน์ ปฏิญญาวิบูล
กนกอร บุญมี


The purpose of this research is (1) to study the use of the 4 Ithi principles in local management of Si-O Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel. Kumphawapi District Udon Thani Province (2) to study and compare the use of the Ithi-4 principle in local management of Si O Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel Kumphawapi District Udon Thani Province and (3) to study guidelines for the development of the use of the 4 Ithi principles in local management of Si O Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel Kumphawapi District Udon Thani Province This research is an integrated research (Mixed method) with quantitative research (qualitative research) by distributing questionnaires. And qualitative research by interviewing, for quantitative. The samples used in the research are Si O Subdistrict Administrative Organization Personnel Kumphawapi District Udon Thani Province 97 people from the appropriate sampling by opening the table Kee and Morgan from a population of 128 people Using simple random sampling techniques by drawing lots and for qualitative research The sample group who provided the main information in the interview was the administrators of Si-O Subdistrict Administration Organization. Using the technique of sampling method using Purposive Random Sampling. The tools used in the research were questionnaires and interview form. Data were analyzed by computer program in social science program using frequency statistics. (Frequency) Percentage (average) ( ) Standard deviation (S.D.) Hypothesis test by data analysis One-way variance (One Way ANOVA) for interview form Analyze the content of the information described in the form of collation The findings of a research study were found in the following aspects.

  1. Most respondents aged less than 35 years old, 32 people, representing 33.0 percent, having 32 lower education degrees, 33.0 percent and 29.9 percent of work experience.

  2. Personnel are using the 4 main principles of local authority in the management of local organizations in the overall level at a high level. With an average value equal to (X = 3.66). Personnel are using the 4 main principles of local authority in the management of local organizations. In every level By sorting the average value from descending to the topical side ( = 3.70), persistence ( = 3.69), mental side ( = 3.63) and side motivation ( = 3.62) respectively.

  3. Personnel with different age and work experience The use of the 4 Ithi principles in the management of local organizations is different with statistical significance at the level of 0.05. The personnel with different educational levels have the use of the 4 IIT principles in the management of local organizations. not different

  4. There is a guideline to develop the use of the principle of using the Ithi-4 principle in the local management of Si O Subdistrict Administrative Organization personnel. Kumphawapi District Udon Thani province is

                   4.1. Aspect (satisfaction with existing things) needs to be used by personnel to use the satisfaction of what they have to consider in managing the local area thoroughly and making rational decisions in effective management.

                   4.2. Persistence (perseverance) requires the personnel to be sincere in local management and strengthen the responsibility of the personnel by using perseverance in each section of the work assigned to management

                   4.3. Jita (intentions of doing things) need to have personnel sacrificed in local management. For the benefit of the organization, enhancing the management potential, enhancing the understanding and consciousness of the personnel

                   4.4. In the field of discrimination (reasoning, reasoning), it is necessary for personnel to use consciousness to control emotions in the management of the assigned local area. Responsible together to create responsibility for each individual according to the assigned line, reinforce the character in a positive way.

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How to Cite
สิทธิวงษา พ., หลวงสุรินทร์ โ., ปฏิญญาวิบูล อ., & บุญมี ก. (2019). THE USE OF THE 4 ITHI PRINCIPLES IN REGIONAL MANAGEMENT SI O, KUMPHAWAPI DISTRICT, UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2459–2480. retrieved from
Research Articles


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