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สุรพล สุยะพรหม
นันทนา นันทวโรภาส


This study is entitled “The Political Communication of Phra Theppatiparnvatee (Chao Khun Pipit) During 1997-2017. The objectives of this study are (1) to study the social, economic political contexts that contributed to the political communication process of Phra Theppatiparnvatee (Chao Khun Pipit) during 1997-2017; and (2) to study the political communication process of Phra Theppatiparnvatee (Chao Khun Pipit) during 1997-2017. This is a qualitative research The research techniques employed are content analysis of the messages he delivered via the mass media as well as in-depth interviews of 26 key informants. First, it was that the political contexts during 1997-2017 did contribute significantly to the political communication of Phra Theppatiparnvatee (Chao Khun Pipit). The B.E.2540 Constitution prompted large-scale political reform during 1997-2000, resulting in ‘independent agencies’ and the new election system. This gave rise to the popularly-elected government of Thaksin Shinawatra, which had drastically changed Thailand’s political landscapes and allegedly prompted severe political crisis during 2007-2017.Second, as for the political communication process of Prateppatiphanwatee (Chao Khun Pipit) during 1997-2017, it was found that as a Bhuddhist monk, he was capable of applying Lord Bhuddha’s communication skills and techniques. He is an expest to his eloquence in both prose and verse, he was out-spoken, straight-forward and delivered clear, lively and inspiring social and political messages, which served as guidelines to solve social and political problems.  The channels of communication of his talks, lectures and speeches were through the main media, namely television, radio, newspaper, books including new media, namely youtube, Facebook, and multimedia. Receivers of his messages were the urban middle class in Bangkok and cities who were interested and participated in politics.

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How to Cite
สุยะพรหม ส., & นันทวโรภาส น. (2019). POLITICAL COMMUNICATION OF PHRA THEPPATIPARNVATEE (CHAO KHUN PIPIT): A CASE STUDY OF 1997 – 2017. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2501–2518. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/199136
Research Articles


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