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พัชรินทร์ ชัยจันทร์
รัชนิวรรณ อนุตระกูลชัย


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the components of the educational management in 21st century of schools under the local administration organization, 2) to study the current and the desirable condition of the stated educational management and 3) to develop the strategy for educational management in 21st century of schools under the local administration organization. The sample group included school administrators and teachers with a total member of 296 persons. Stratified Random Sampling was used and the research tools were interview form, components assessment form, questionnaire and assessment form for checking propriety and feasibility of the strategy. Data analysis was processed through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD.) and PNIModified index.

          The results of this research were as follows:

  1. As for components, four components of educational management in 21st century of schools under the local administration organization comprised 1) development of quality learners, 2) development of school-based management for local service 3) conservation and inheritance of arts, culture, tradition and local wisdom, 4) development of local educational management based on the philosophy of sufficiency economy. 2. Regarding the current and the desirable condition of educational management in 21st century for schools under the local administration organization, in all, the level of practice was moderate with the desirable condition being high. and 3. With regard to development of the strategy for educational management in 21st century of schools under the local administration organization, five strategies were developed: Strategy 1− development of quality of educational management system. Strategy 2− development of environments and learning resources conductive to educational management in 21st century. Strategy 3− enhancement and development of school potentials to meet excellent standard. Strategy 4− supporting and developing quality of teachers and personnel. Strategy 5− enhancing and developing quality of students fully equipped with 21st century skills.

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How to Cite
ชัยจันทร์ พ., & อนุตระกูลชัย ร. (2019). A STRATEGY OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN 21ST CENTURY OF SCHOOLS UNDER JURISDICTION OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 3901–3916. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/194294
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