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วิทูล หนูยิ้มซ้าย


This article aims to present a new role for lawyers as peace building Mediators by an adversarial method. Most lawyers are often involved in litigation and are aiming to overcome each other by the adversarial method using legal techniques resulting winning and losing in the case. This winning and losing in Buddhism counts that “the winner will always perform enmity while the loser sleeps in distress”. But if the lawyer knows how to mediate the dispute for both parties’ satisfaction, there will be no action of enmity to each other. For this reason, the Lawyers Council of Thailand therefore set up a Dispute Mediation Center and has organized the curriculum training. "Lawyers who Act as Mediators" by determining the role of lawyers to act as mediators for the parties to well agree. There are the set-up procedures and methods for mediation of disputes as guidelines for lawyers who mediate disputes to achieve the peaceful goals of the parties’ resolution. The important role is the harmonization between the parties by facilitating the mediation of disputes, providing relevant information and the knowledge in mediation, proceeding to control the dispute mediation process, and finally, helping make a compromise agreement.

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How to Cite
หนูยิ้มซ้าย ว. (2019). LAWYERS WHO ACT AS A MEDIATORS : THE ROLE OF PEACE BUILDING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2175–2193. retrieved from
Academic Article


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