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เอกชัย ชำนินา
ศรุดา สมพอง


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the problems and barriers that affect the enhancement of tourism competitiveness in Phuket. 2) to study the factors that have an impact on the enhancement of tourism competitiveness , and 3) to study the possibility to improve the tourism competitiveness. This is descriptive research gained data as qualitative research from In-depth Interview and have conversations with people.

          The results indicated as following details;

          1)the problems and barriers that have the effect of enhancement of tourism competitiveness in Phuket. There was an economy, society, stability, and management. the problems and barriers were no development, no impetus, no support, and no capability as it needs to develop in many ways for example the development environment, tourist service place and the sustainable tourism development that needs to get support from private organization and people (Public Management). The sustainable development has 4 important things were host, visitors, management organization in tourism, and as the problems have happened in the past until now.

          2) the impact on the enhancement of tourism competitiveness. The problem is not the number of visitors but because of no development and keep in existence of tourist places. Moreover, resource management and products with no qualities. According to the authority uses the decentralized distribution system to many departments and natural disaster that cannot control.

          3) The formulation of a strategy for the enhancement of tourism competitiveness in Phuket. The most important things to develop the tourism industry is building confidence, and tourism promotion organization as government policy for tourism such as health tourism, sports events, nautical tourism (water tourism), adventure travel, art and culture travel; therefore, the sustainable tourism.

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How to Cite
ชำนินา เ., & สมพอง ศ. (2019). THE ENHANCEMENT OF TOURISM COMPETITIVENESS FOR PHUKET PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2651–2670. retrieved from
Research Articles


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