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เบญญาภา อัจฉฤกษ์
ไพวรรณ ปุริมาตร


This research has the objective of 1) study about The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs in Northeastern Thailand, 2) create The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs, 3) present model of The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs. The research methodology is mixed between quantitative and qualitative, collected the data from sampling group of 265 persons, the respond of the interview of 26 responds, collected the data by the questionnaire and interview, analyzed the data by using statistic, percentage, means, standard deviation, in-depth interview by using the analyzing with description and explanation.




          The findings are as follows:

  1. The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs in Northeastern Thailand including; 1) Mind; being proud in their occupation, focus on morality in their occupation, 2) society; assist and sacrifice for the public benefit, 3) Natural resources and environment; could be using the natural resources and environment for high benefit of the community, 4) Technology; develop the technology and knowledge as the beneficial of the community and could apply such technology for prosper usage in enterprise’s development, 5) Economy; could be with sufficient and self-reliance.

          2.Create The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs in Northeastern Thailand; make the standard of silk weaving course in the community and living the life with sufficient economy. It is follows the principle of moderate, reasonable, immunity that affects to the community as prosperous in their occupation

          3.Model of The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs in Northeastern Thailand follow the Model Terms as a prototype to create The Sufficient Occupation Immunity of Community Entrepreneurs by immunity of mind, society, natural resources and environment, technology and economy

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How to Cite
อัจฉฤกษ์ เ., & ปุริมาตร ไ. (2019). THE SUFFICIENT OCCUPATION IMMUNITY OF COMMUNITY ENTREPRENEURS IN NORTHEASTERN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1570–1585. retrieved from
Research Articles


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