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จักรพงศ ธรรมธนภัทร
พระครูโกศลอรรถกิจ .
พระครูโฆสิตวัฒนานุกูล .
สวัสดิ์ อโณทัย


This thesis entitled ‘The Maintenance of Buddhism in the Midst of the Conflict in the three Southern Provinces of Thailand through Phradhamsiddhimongkhol (Chin Chotiko)’ has three objectives: 1) to study the concepts of conflict, 2) to study guidelines in solving the conflict of the three southern provinces of Thailand in the viewpoint of Phradhamsiddhimongkhol (Chin Chotiko) , and 3) to analyze the solution of the three southern provinces of Thailand in the viewpoint of Phradhamsiddhimongkhol (Chin Chotiko). This is a documentary research done by studying Tipiµaka, commentaries, textbooks, academic documents, research works, theses and relating online data. In this research, the descriptive analysis was done to provide the research work and suggestions.

          In the study, it was found that:

  1. according to the theories and ideas of conflict, they basically refer to situations wherein disagreement is caused. disagreement; this arises out of wrong view where their aim is also different thereby affecting upon their feeling in both negative and positive sides. According to the theories, the conflict is normal and can be caused to happen at any time irrespective of family, community, organization and nation; it can be caused by anyone.

  2. As regards the guidelines in coping with the conflict in the three southern provinces of Thailand concerning the viewpoint of Phradhamsiddhimongkhol (Chin Chotiko), whose role was like the great Bodhitree for people in the three southern provinces of Thailand. Regularly, he passed his suggestions and alternative ways to cease the situation; he also provided certain sea of help such as medical tools to Hospital in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces. The most important suggestions given by him was about education; he provided scholarship to Buddhist monks, novices and general people in all levels.

  3. In the guidelines given by Phradhamsiddhimongkhol (Chin Chotiko) in order to solve the problems of conflict faced by people in the three southern provinces of Thailand, findings were found that he really came to know the root cause of problem, therefore, he recommended loving kindness to be applied because it is the supreme virtue in empowering all living beings to happily live together in spite of its abstract, it can mentally become a practical way of life. In Buddhism, it is a well-known fact that those who follow the Buddha’s ways of life and believe in the law of Kamma, they automatically understand that the principle of loving kindness is seriously recommended by the Buddha to be observed by general people; the Buddha taught Buddhist people to grow loving kindness and then send to all living beings without any bias in order that they can destroy defilement. To achieve such a wonderful situation, one is guided not to do all evil action, but doing good action and purifying one’s mind and thereby cultivating the virtue of loving kindness respectively.

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How to Cite
ธรรมธนภัทร จ., . พ., . พ., & อโณทัย ส. (2019). GUIDELINES TO STABILIGE BUDDHISM IN THE MIDST OF THE CONFLICT IN THE SOUTHERN THAILAND THROUGH PHRADHAMSIDDHIMONGKHOL (CHINT CHOTIKO). Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1797–1812. retrieved from
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