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เพ็ญนภา สมบันดาล
ไมตรี จันทรา
สุภาพ เต็มรัตน์


The main objectives of the study are. 1) to study the level of parental involvement in the development of student support systems. 2) To compare the parents' participation in the development of the student support system by gender, age, education level, occupation and income. 3) A study of parents' opinions on participation in the development of student support system of Nakhon Si Thammarat Vocational College. The quantitative sample was 351 parents and qualitative the interviewees were 10 people. The research instruments were questionnaire. It is a 5-level scale and an interview. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test independent, F-test, and Post Hoc test.


          The findings of this study are concluded as follows:

  1. Level of Parental Involvement in Developing Student Support System in Nakhon Si Thammarat Vocational College the mean score was 4.06. The standard deviation was 0.55 at the high level of participation. When considering each aspect, it was found that Parents will participate in the referral. Is the number 1, with an average of 4.14 in the level of participation Followed by participation in prevention and problem solving With an average value of 4.13 at a very engaging level And parents have the least participation in screening students With an average value of 3.96 at a very engaging level.

  2. The results of the comparison of parents' participation in the development of student support system were classified by sex, age, education, occupation and income. Overall, there was no difference.

  3. The results of the parental opinion analysis on participation in the development of child support system revealed that parents would be involved in the development of child support system through coordination with teachers, counselors and teachers. Most of them need help with scholarships from Nakhon Si Thammarat Vocational College. When considering interview issues on a side-by-side basis, the issues can be separated as follows

3.1 About knowing students’ Parents give interviews on issues concerning personal information at some colleges that parents do not know. The parents will receive information from the advisor teacher. From students' friends and observe the behavior of learners.

3.2 The screening of learners Parents have interviewed on issues that will co-ordinate with teachers who consult in screening students. Which can screen the learners in which group of students by using criteria based on the screening form, learners classify normal group learners, risk groups, problems group.

3.3 The promotion of learners Parents have interviewed on issues related to learner development so that learners are good people. Good and happy people supporting students in all aspects both physically, mentally and intellectually, by giving importance and cooperating with learners in the activities that the college held or the relevant departments organized

3.4 In prevention and problem solving Parents have interviewed on the issues of coordination with the college and the teachers who follow the learners continuously. Both in education and behavior.

3.5 Forwarding the parents gave an interview on the issue of referrals of counselors. When unable to edit manually Will send to the relevant authorities to help fix Such as teacher, administrative department or the conduct control officer Will not let the students face the problem alone Because it may result in social problems.

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How to Cite
สมบันดาล เ., จันทรา ไ., & เต็มรัตน์ ส. (2019). PARENTS PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPING ON STUDENT ASSISTANT SYSTEM OF NAKHON SI THAMMARAT VOCATIONAL COLLAGE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1415–1431. retrieved from
Research Articles


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