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พระมหาสุเทพ สุวฑฺฒโน (เหลาทอง)


This research entitled “Strategies for Buddhism Propagation of Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkhus”, has three objectives: 1) to study Buddhism Propagation in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study the Buddhism propagation of overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus and 3) to present strategies for Buddhism propagation of overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus.


          The results of the research found that:

          The primary strategy that the Buddha chose to propagate Buddhism at the beginning of the religious announcement was to specify the target group from the elite and the ruling class to motivate and attract a large numbers of people interested in Buddhism. The Buddhism propagation of overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus is based on the 3 advantages that is temporal welfare, spiritual welfare, and the final goal (nibbana). The strategies for propagating Buddhism of the overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus integratedly made by analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, problems and obstacles encountered when propagation and the information from the interview are two levels that is unit strategies and individual strategies. Unit strategies are 1) to set the main goals and guidelines for propagating Buddhism clearly and with publicity, 2) to create database of foreign temples and the number of overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus, 3) to develop dhamma into two languages; Thai-English or Pali-English, and 4) to create a central agency to gather information about various countries to be used as a source of research for the overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus. Individual strategies or overseas dhammaduta bhikkhus strategies are 1) knowing oneself and other by analyzing, the targeted country, and trends in propagating Buddhism in the future and 2) self-development by learning the good law which is the true doctrines of study, the true doctrines of practice, and the true doctrines of penetration; especial in meditation, the good manner, and english and dialect languages.


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How to Cite
สุวฑฺฒโน (เหลาทอง) พ. (2019). STRATEGIES FOR BUDDHISM PROPAGATION OF OVERSEAS DHAMMADUTA BHIKKHUS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1363–1378. retrieved from
Research Articles


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