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สานุ มหัทธนาดุลย์
สริตา มหัทธนาดุลย์


This article aims 1.to examine the holistic well-beings and balanced way of life according to Buddhist Psychology, and 2.to analyze the balanced way of life with the promotion of holistic well-beings according to Buddhist Psychology. This is a qualitative research by collecting and analyzing data from primary and secondary texts based on Buddhism and psychology. Including in-depth interviews with 5 Buddhist monks and lay scholars from Thailand, Sri Lanka, England and the United States of America. In-depth interview question form were examined by qualified experts. The findings show there are four elements of well-being that when combining together, they will arise the holistic well-beings. The holistic well-beings characterize the innate body, social moral, calm mind, and the awakening wisdom, respectively. They are the fourfold outcome of the holistic well-beings. Such outcomes are the result of the balanced way of life when the Maslow’s Needs are fulfilled. (Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs). There are ways of well-beings promotion; practicing contentment, the five precepts observance, having good friends, principles of service, etc.). As a result, the “well-beings” and “balance way”, the highest purposes will be finally achieved.

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How to Cite
มหัทธนาดุลย์ ส., & มหัทธนาดุลย์ ส. (2019). HOLISTIC WELL-BEINGS PROMOTION FOR BALANCED WAY OF LIFE ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1161–1172. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/184621
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