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สมชาติ ธรรมโภคิน
ศศิรดา แพงไทย


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the components and indicators of the strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools 2) study the current situation and desirable conditions of brand creation of highly famous private schools 3) develop the strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools. The sample groups were 296 private school administrators and teachers under cluster 11 by using stratified random sampling method. The research instruments were 5-level rating scale structured questionnaire, questionnaire and evaluation form for assessing the strategy to check its appropriateness and possibility. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNIModified         

          The research results were found that:

  1. The components of the strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools consisted of 7 components as follows: 1) reputation 2) identity 3) corporate culture, 4) relationship 5) brand awareness 6) brand personality 7) information technology

  2. The current situation of a strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools, in all, was rated at moderate level. The desirable condition of a strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools in all, was rated at the highest level.

  3. The strategy for brand creation of highly famous private schools consisted of 5 strategies as follows: Strategy 1: promotion and development of quality organizational culture. Strategy 2: brand personality building. Strategy 3: identity development for sustainable schools. Strategy 4: making school reputation renowned and manifest. Strategy 5: enabling information technology.

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How to Cite
ธรรมโภคิน ส., & แพงไทย ศ. (2019). A STRATEGY FOR BRAND CREATION OF HIGHLY FAMOUS PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4119–4132. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/183813
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