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วีรวัฒก์ แก้วทองใหญ่
พระเมธาวินัยรส .


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the general condition of teaching and learning management 2) to develop the teaching and learning management model according to the intellectual principles 3 and 3) to present the development of teaching-learning model based on wisdom 3, using the method of research, which combines methods such as quantitative and qualitative research, The sample group consisted of 398 students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. Statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Interviewing qualified and experts in conversation groups 10 person.


          The research found that:

  1. The general condition of teaching and learning is overall at a high level. Considering each aspect at a high level In order of average, from descending to the measurement and evaluation The lesson or content taught by the instructor in the learners of teaching and learning activities And the context or teaching environment

  2. Develop the model of teaching and learning according to the 3 faculties, ie, students have sufficient knowledge base to study according to the curriculum that is offered. Have knowledge and skills in information technology Have a good relationship with classmates, teachers, professors with qualifications, experiences, knowledge and understanding of the courses taught Able to research and create new knowledge Able to provide academic services to communities and societies Able to communicate and use Thai language Able to communicate and use foreign languages Able to use computers and information technology Have professional ethics Morality and ethics The lesson or content taught is consistency of the course and the purpose of the course. Each course Suitable for the number of credits the course is modern knowledge. There is a proper sequence of courses in learning. The total number of credits throughout the course is appropriate. The context or environment of teaching and learning is sufficiency of school buildings, classrooms, meeting rooms, audio-visual equipment and laboratories. Suitability of school buildings, classrooms, meeting rooms, audio-visual equipment and laboratories Ease of use of materials, equipment and educational supplies Suitability and modernity of books, journals, theses, textbooks according to the curriculum Teaching and learning activities include teaching and learning that focuses on students By reducing the proportion of knowledge transfer from teachers And increase the proportion of practice and exchange of learning between learners Teaching and learning management according to the potential of learners Provide opportunities for students to participate in teaching and learning management planning Assign students to make work pieces that are suitable for the duration. Measurement and evaluation are clearly defined criteria for scoring and inform students. Measures and evaluates a wide range and meets the actual conditions. Measure and evaluate the results in accordance with the content and meet the objectives of the course Measure and evaluate according to the ability of students by considering the differences between individuals.

          3. The development of the teaching and learning model according to the 3 faculties consists of 3 parts, namely, section 1, the leading parts are 1) environment, principle is teaching and learning management And the quality assurance of education, part 2, the model consists of 1) the work system is the 4 ministries of the university and the elements of teaching and learning, 9 aspects 2) the management process is the arrangement of teaching and learning activities according to the reform guidelines Teach part 3: Implementation steps consisting of 1) Structure 2) Decision making is the strategic plan of the university 5 aspects 3) Assessment guidelines and 4) Terms Shortfalls based on the context of Maha Chulalongkorn University College each.

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How to Cite
แก้วทองใหญ่ ว., & . พ. (2019). A DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL INITIATIVE WITH 3 IN HIGHER EDUCATION MAHACHULALONGKORNRAJAVIDYALAYA. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 973–990. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/183348
Research Articles


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