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กัญญารัตน์ รอดแก้ว
ปัญญา เลิศไกร
สุดาวรรณ์ มีบัว


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the community management model for the elderly to be self-reliant, 2) to develop the community management model for the elderly to be self-reliant, and 3) to evaluate the results of the community management model for the elderly to be self-reliant and develop and distribute to the elderly community. This is a qualitative research that uses research and development methods by participatory field research in the area of ​​Ban Sa Pleng, Thang Phun Sub-district, Chalerm Phra Kiat District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat

          The results found that:

          Stage 1 – The context of community management for elderly to be self-reliant, There are groups of people and department that have played a role in supporting the development of the elderly to be healthy in both body, mind and society on behalf of the elderly club from Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital (THPH), Health Center 11 and Thang Phun Sub-district Municipality causes motivation prepare yourself to be ready to participate in activities with the elderly club. The development of a community management model for elderly to be self-reliant found that the elderly club is the main group to drive learning, developing patterns, have a group discussion, exchange of knowledge and wisdom, take care of your health, self-healing, prevention of certain diseases with exercise style occupational patterns that are good for physical health, mental health and good for quality of life.

          Stage 2 – Leaders and teams driving the elderly club worked cooperatively to analyze, plan to manage forms, small experiments for learning until receiving a model that is a community management model for elderly to be self-reliant.

          Stage 3 – Evaluation of the community management model for elderly self-reliant and development to disseminate to the elderly community, invited to the Ban Sa Pleng Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital team, public health team from Health Center 11, Expert speaker evaluate with Focus Group Analysis Seminar, and extended the results to Ban Khok Khram Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, Chalerm Phra Kiat District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Yang Yuan Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Chaloem Phra Kiat District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Ban Sa Phang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Ron Phibun District, Nakhon Sri Thammarat.

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How to Cite
รอดแก้ว ก., เลิศไกร ป., & มีบัว ส. (2019). COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ELDERLY SELF-RELIANCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 792–807. retrieved from
Research Articles


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