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พระมหาประสิทธิ์ ญาณปฺปทีโป (แก้วศรี)


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the training process of the Gilanadhamma Group in the project to strengthen potentiality of the venerable speaker (Venerable Seminar 4) 2) to lesson learned the training process in the project to strengthen potentiality of the venerable speaker (Venerable Seminar 4) by the Gilanadhamma Group and 3) to present the training model of the Gilanadhamma Group in the project to strengthen potentiality of the venerable speaker (Venerable Seminar 4). Using qualitative research by using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions of participants, and participatory observation in the training process in data collection

The results of research were found as follows: Satisfaction with the project to strengthen potentiality of the venerable speaker (Venerable Seminar 4), in the overall at a high level (gif.latex?\dpi{80}&space;\large&space;\bar{X}= 4.3) and research results, lessons learned summarize in 3 important issues, including personalities, speakers Techniques, processes and results are as follows: 1) Personality: the personality of the venerable speaker, the Gilanadhamma group who is the leader of the process, has knowledge, capability is accepted, behavior reflects the kindness, have teamwork skills, keeping the sacredness in the monkhood. 2) The process technique: is the process of the speaker of the Gilanadhamma group which has been used to create the learning process which consists of the technique of tea prayer, aesthetic conversation, deep listening, movie media, lectures, summarizing issues and spiritual pray. 3) The result: is what happens to the monks who participate in the activity, including new knowledge, practice listening and communication skills, Learning through direct experience, discovered the identity, get a good model, has a network of friendly Sangha.

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How to Cite
(แก้วศรี) พ. ญ. (2019). A POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF FACILITATOR MONKS FOR MIND REMEDIES OF GILANADHAMMA. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 516–529. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/182645
Research Articles


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