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เดโช แสงจันทร์
สวัสดิ์ อโณทัย
สมบูรณ์ บุญโท


The objectives of this dissertation are as follows: 1) to study the history and characteristics of Manorah Rongkru Performance. 2) to study semiological values in postmodern philosophy. 3) to analyze and evaluate the semiological values in postmodern philosophy in Manorah Rongkru Performance in the southern Thailand. 4) to create a new body of knowledge and development model of life’s quality derived from the semiological evaluation of the Manorah Rongkru Performance in the Southern Thailand. This research is a qualitative research consisting of two methods, namely, document study and field study. The presentation was by the analytical description through the analytic, appreciative and applicative approach so as to lead to the creativity of new body of knowledge in philosophy.

          The results of research were found as follows:

  1. The history and characteristics of Manorah Rongkru Performance found that it is one of the arts appeared in the Southern Thailand. It is a dance show that is related to belief in the ancestors linked to the way of life of people in the southern Thailand. And there has the conservation of succession from generation to generation.

  2. The semiological values in postmodern philosophy found that each of the postmodern philosophical paradigm have been adopted the signs (symbols) by man. And every signs have the hidden values.

  3. The semiological values ​​in the postmodern philosophy of Manorah Performances in the Southern Thailand are found in six issues: 1) the semiological values through the Manorah Rongkru performances, 2) the semiological values through the rituals of Manorah Rongkru performance 3) the semiological values through the poem of Manorah Rongkru in the Southern Thailand 4) the semiological values through the custumes of Manorah Rongkru in SouthernThailand 5) the semiological values through the musical instruments of Manorah Rongkru in Southern and 6) the semiological values through the dancing’s styles of Manorah Rongkru in Southern Thailand.

  4. 4. As for the creativity of new body of knowledge and development model of life’s quality derived from the semiological values of Manorah Rongkru in the Southern Thailand found that the new body of knowledge called the Model of Life’s quality Development (B-P-S-D & 3Es), was Beautifulness, Picturesqueness, Sublimity, Development of Life’s Quality and Entertainment, Essentiality, All configurations must be combined to contribute to the improvement of the life’s quality to be better for all.

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How to Cite
แสงจันทร์ เ., อโณทัย ส., & บุญโท ส. (2019). THE SEMIOLOGICAL VALUE OF POSTMODERN PHILOSOPHY THROUGH THE MANORAH RONGKRU PERFORMANCE IN THE SOUTHERN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 530–547. retrieved from
Research Articles


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