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The objectives of this research entitled “Guidelines of Recovery and Development the Suoddan Ritual at Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Vihara” were 1) to study history of Suoddan Ritual at Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Vihara Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 2) to study body of knowledge on the Suoddan Ritual at Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Vihara Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, and 3) to guideline a way to recover and develop the Suoddan Ritual for the present time. The researcher used mixed methodology is a qualitative research. And quantitative research. Qualitative research by conducting in-depth interview with 25 key informants, focus group discussion, and participation observation with 12 key informants; as well as using a quantitative research in supporting research explanation. The statistics were administered to analyze the data as descriptive statistics and it was collected with 302 samples who had participated in Suoddan Ritual. The research instrument was questionnaire.
The findings of this research were as follows:
- The history of Suoddan Ritual at Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Vihara in Nakhon Si Thammarat was to chant by reading from a book in southern native language. It was originated because of believing in Buddhism and Buddha's relics stored at Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Vihara Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, This festival had disappeared for 20 years and was recovered in 2002 by Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus. However, it has not yet strongly established and is needed to develop a model and management in terms of system and unity. Otherwise, this festival may not be interesting or may disappear again.
- The body of knowledge of the Suoddan Ritual was one of folk wisdom showing an identity of people in Nakhon Si Thammarat. Their way of life were strongly attached to temple and Buddhism. Concerning chants, it consists of many aspects of knowledge: wisdom development, mind and spiritual development, society, unity in the community, and being proud of native identity. Therefore, it should be gathered these bodies of knowledge systematically for sustainable preservation of this festival.
- Guidelines of recovery and development the Suoddan Ritual for the present time are to adapt a model and develop a suitable model for the present society. At the same time, its essences should be preserved. It should also be studied concerning its bodies of knowledge systematically and makes the Suoddan Ritual preservation network from both government sector and private sector; as well as, setting up the supportive measure and propagation it systematically. These guideline will recover the Suoddan Ritual for community in meaningful and sustainable ways.
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