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เดชชาติ ตรีทรัพย์


This research was from the situation of conflicts in Southern borders provinces especially in Pattani. Researches agreed to question and interview people in Pattani how to support peaceful living together. The conclusions of objectives were to study problems and contexts of community in Pattani, to explore factors of supporting and making a guideline to support a peaceful living together, as well as to produce a handbook for people to practice for peaceful living together.

          The research operations were designed to use questionnaire and structured interview. There were 405 samples for gathering questionnaires and 34 samples for interview. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One=way ANOVA.


          The research findings were revealed

          Most of people in Pattani believe in Isalan 86.25%, and Malayan Nationality. The conflicts and violence have been occurred since the reformation of King Rama V and in the time of state convention of Field Marchal Plaek Phibunsongkham. Therefore, there is the feeling of conflicts for a long time. People’s idea are in the highest level to avoid the force to solve the problems both from the government sectors and terrorists, as well as, not to make the differences in religions, traditions, and cultures of people for the purpose of peaceful living together.

          For the test of hypotheses, it was revealed the differences in age and belief of religion had significant opinions in supporting a peaceful living together at the 0.05 level. On the other hand, differences in sex, education, dialectic language, occupation, and family income had no significant opinions.

          A guideline of supporting a peaceful living together is to building a unity between the government sectors and people by means of conducting a solution problem activity together, making clear understanding about the principle of religions, and supporting a mutual understanding between people among Thai Buddhist and Thai Muslims by using education system equally.

          Results from the suggestion are to research or study on belief or ideal of local terrorists and the beginning of terrorism which are the information for a systematic solution problem.

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How to Cite
ตรีทรัพย์ เ. (2019). THE WAY OF PEACEFUL CO – EXISTANCE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SOUTH REGION’S PEOPLE OPINION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 717–735. retrieved from
Research Articles


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