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ดวงสมร มะโนวรรณ
มานะ ลักษมีอรุโณทัย
ญาณกร โท้ประยูร


The purposes of this research were: 1) to analyze the importance of increasing labor productivity in the service sector of the Thai economy, 2) to study the desirable characteristics of service industry personnel, and 3) to find the ways to develop and increase labor productivity in the service sector of the Thai economy. This research used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A sample of this research was used for the Input-Output Table in 2010 for quantitative research. The qualitative research was done as a quota sampling made up of in-depth interviews. The interviewees were required to have a job as a middle level manager or higher or to have been working in the field for at least 10 years, including one person per sub-service industry, for a total of eight persons. Convenience sampling was used to complete, according to the number of samples. The quantitative research calculated labor productivity in order to determine the return value of the labor coefficient to measure labor productivity in the service sector of the Thai economy. The qualitative research was an accomplished by undertaking in-depth interviews using a questionnaire, which consisted of three parts: 1) What are the desirable characteristics of service sector personnel such as knowledge and specific techniques, etc. 2) How should the development of personnel in the service sector of Thailand be undertaken And 3) Do you have any recommendations? Quality testing of questionnaires by three experts was undertaken to verify the content validity of the questions. They evaluated the IOC (Consistency Index) to test whether each question matched the research objective, with an IOC of 1.00.

          The results of the study showed that:

          The growth of labor productivity in the Thai service sector is still lower than the manufacturing sectors. Interview results provided the guidelines to increase labor productivity in the service sector of the Thai economy personnel in the service industry. Employees must have qualifications in three areas: 1) competency, 2) knowledge and ability, and 3) other desirable characteristics of service industry personnel. For guidelines for personnel development in the service sector for those involved in producing graduates, whether at a university or a institutions that will produce a service personnel should proceed as follows: 1) Should ask what knowledge and skills do employers look for when hiring for their workplace., 2) promote that the personnel of the education sector attend various training courses so that they can learn new knowledge skills and technology to bring back to the classrooms. The organization which in service industry hires employees should do the following: 1) provide training for knowledge, skills, understanding of tasks / duties according to the duties assigned, 2) Should cultivate an organizational learning society and support the corporate culture for knowledge sharing., and 3) Should encourage and support personnel to create new knowledge by giving them education Including distributing work appropriately and to give everyone the opportunity to present their work, practice thinking and practice learning, let employees solve problems and find a solution by themselves.

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How to Cite
มะโนวรรณ ด., ลักษมีอรุโณทัย ม., & โท้ประยูร ญ. (2019). GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND ENHANCEMENT OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN THAILAND’S SERVICE SECTOR. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 736–756. retrieved from
Research Articles


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