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เชษฐา มุหะหมัด
เก็ตถวา บุญปราการ
ชลลดา แสงมณี ศิริสาธิตกิจ


This article aims to study the practice of everyday life of fishermen living in Hau Khao Community, Hau Khao Sub-District, Singhanakhon District, Songkhla Province using qualitative research. Specifically, in-depth interview inquiring about fishing activities and lifestyle and participant observation are used among a total of 15 participants including local fishermen in Hau Khao Community and their families. The data is analyzed by classification of issues studied and then transcribed, using content analysis, and presented in a descriptive way.


          The finding suggests that;

          The lifestyle of fishermen living in Hau Khao Community is related to subsistence production process, such as household workforce, favor, and hire. Later on, adaptation to new technologies under conditions of the market mechanism is found in their practice of everyday life; thereby, establishing new competition and negotiation strategies for the sake of their survival. Such change has led to the use of modern fishing tools and equipment and the excess of fishing, resulting in deterioration of fishery resources. Consequently, new practices are founded and a variety of occupation including community employment, trade and business, and fishery processing which serves the market demand such as peeling and deveining shrimp, crab cracking, and anchovy is generated. In the fishery crisis, these occupations ensure food security.

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How to Cite
มุหะหมัด เ., บุญปราการ เ., & แสงมณี ศิริสาธิตกิจ ช. (2019). THE PRACTICE OF EVERYDAY LIFE IN HAU KHAO COMMUNITY, HAU KHAO SUB-DISTRICT, SINGHANAKHON DISTRICT, SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(2), 880–897. retrieved from
Research Articles


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