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พระเทิดศักดิ์ สตฺตินฺธโร (ศรีวิรัตน์)
สิน งามประโคน
กฤษฎา นันทเพชร


The aims of this research were; 1) to study factors affecting Buddhist propagation capacity in social media of administrative monks, 2) to develop a structural equation model of Buddhist propagation capacity in social media of administrative monks, and 3) to propose the causal relationship model of factors affecting Buddhist propagation capacity in social media of administrative monks. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The data were collected from 396 samples of 41,142 administrative monks by questionnaires and in-depth interviews, and then analyzed by LISREL program.

      The research results found that; 1) Factors of propagation methods and factors of social media had a positive result to Buddhist propagation capacity with a significant statistical level, 2) Structural equation model test was harmonious with empirical data structural equation, 3) The weight value of the most influential factor to Buddhist propagation method was on filling with enthusiasm, and elucidation and verification was the least. In the details of online media, Facebook was at most and YouTube was at least. In capacity in Buddhist propagation, skills were the most important and personal characteristics were at least. From path analysis, propagation method and online media had a relation at 77% in predictive coefficient value of structural equation. It could be concluded that the propagation based on filling with enthusiasm and propagation through Facebook had a significant impact to Buddhist propagation of administrative monks, and other factors in the model could assist and support the capacity in Buddhist propagation as well.

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How to Cite
สตฺตินฺธโร (ศรีวิรัตน์) พ., งามประโคน ส., & นันทเพชร ก. (2019). A CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP MODEL OF FACTORS AFFECTING BUDDHIST PROPAGATION CAPACITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA OF ADMINISTRATIVE MONKS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 70–84. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/177682
Research Articles


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