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จุฑารัตน์ รุ่งจำรัส
เสรี ชัดแช้ม
ปรัชญา แก้วแก่น
สิริกรานต์ จันทเปรมจิตต์


This experimental research aims to compare the influence of gender and personality differences on dominance emotional Thai words and picture in young adults, which is 2x2 Factorial Posttest Design. The participants were 80 undergraduates, aged between 20-24 years old, in 2017’s Burapha University academic year, divided in two personality groups; extrovert and ambivert. The materials are dominance emotional Thai words and picture, self–Assessment Manikin: SAM and the analytical technic is Two-Way ANOVA.


          The results showed that;

          The differences of gender are not influence to control and uncontrolled of Thai words and picture. The differences of personality are not influence to control and uncontrolled of Thai words and picture and There were no interaction between gender and personality of Thai words and picture in control and uncontrolled.

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รุ่งจำรัส จ., ชัดแช้ม เ., แก้วแก่น ป., & จันทเปรมจิตต์ ส. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF GENDER AND PERSONALITY DIFFERENCES ON DOMINANCE EMOTIONAL THAI WORDS AND PICTURE IN YOUNG ADULTS: BEHAVIORAL STUDY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 339–356. retrieved from
Research Articles


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