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พระครูนนทกิจโกศล (สิริชัย สิริชโย โก๋กระโทก)
พระฉัตรชัย ดวงศรี
พระอุดมสิทธินายก .


The change management model for excellence of the Buddhist institutions should be four-dimensional integrated model, i.e., the top-down, bottom-up, inside-out and outside-in dimensions, in which the main concepts: 1) restructuring, 2) adding new roles and services, 3) leadership transformation, 4) keeping up with technological change and 5) management of main tasks and co-operative consultants; and the operational strategies: incorporates organizational change strategies by commanding, limited participation, decentralization and empowering members in the organization. Meanwhile, change-factors to success: most of them depend on the capability of the Buddhist Institutes' administrators; and promoting-factors are resource management, participation of personnel, external network, problem management, continuous development, proper operation, institution-ness and organizational changes.

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(สิริชัย สิริชโย โก๋กระโทก) พ., ดวงศรี พ., & . พ. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODEL TOWARDSEXCELLENCE OF THE BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(1), 55–69. retrieved from
Academic Article


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