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ประยงค์ ชูรักษ์


The purposes of this study were to study the causes of illiteracy problems and to offer the policy recommendation for the illiteracy problems of the students. The population used in the study were 1) 60 Primary Educational 1 teachers of the schools with illiteracy problem, 2) 5 deputy directors of Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, 3) 7 directors of subdivisions affiliated to the Nakhon Si Thammarat Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 and 4) 4 experts in the solution of the problems of reading and writing skills. The research instruments were the researcher, interview forms and focused group discussions. Qualitative data analysis used in the study by the methods of content analysis with the interpreting, Scrutinizing data in groups and concluding the research result.




          The research results were as followed:

  1. The causes of illiteracy problem were 1) the childhood students having the different readiness for learning, 2) some students with special needs joining in the class, 3) frequent absences of students, 4) teachers teaching in a different field of study, and (5) students having the family issues.

  2. Policy recommendations for the solution of the illiteracy problems were 1) to supervise and to follow the childhood curriculum development and implement, 2) to promote and to support the educational institutions to cooperate with the parents, guardians, communities and locals in order to solve the problems of frequency absences and family issues, 3) to support the educational institutions to develop the student screening system, 4) to improve the Primary Educational 1 teachers of Thai language department who teach in a different field of Thai language, 5) to promote and support the camps of reading and writing skills improvement in the area of the network and the Primary Educational Service Area Office, 6) to support the classroom research conducting by learning from the schools which were successful in following the policy of “No illiteracy students in Primary Educational 1”, and 7) to give a Primary Educational 1 teacher an honor in being a good teaching.

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How to Cite
ชูรักษ์ ป. (2019). POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE SOLUTION OF THE ILLITERACY PROBLEM OF PRIMARY 1 STUDENTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1095–1108. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/166160
Research Articles


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