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สุริยา สุริโย คงคาไหว
พระมหาอภินันท์ คำหารพล


Sacred object of amulet type with the registration of intellectual property from the conceptual and theoretical consideration on the creation and rent the sacred objects. Especially the origin of sacred objects in order to understand the problems in the creation and registration of intellectual property on the sacred objects better, before analyzing legal issues, it is the scope of copyright protection, and the issue of copyright or the owner of a copyrighted work. Including the dispute with the registration of intellectual property of the sacred object of amulet type, lead to the results of the analysis from consideration of the sacred amulets with the registration of intellectual property that able to register the intellectual property, If the person who wishes to register the intellectual property is the creator of the sacred object of amulet type on models or prints it by himself. The reason is that the protection under copyright law is in the form of information, models or prints to the Department of Intellectual Property only. But the Department of Intellectual Property does not check the work that informs that the abomination of the sacred object of amulet type of the work of any person, or the informer who owns the copyright sacred amulet in the piece of fact. Therefore, to inform the copyright information to the Department of Intellectual Property will benefit and register the intellectual property only if the person who wishes to register the intellectual property is the real creator of the work himself

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How to Cite
คงคาไหว ส. ส., & คำหารพล พ. (2018). SACRED AMULETS WITH THE REGISTRATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 520–538. retrieved from
Academic Article


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