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The objective of this research was to study the image of Buddhism and correlation between image of Buddhism and Thai Buddhist royalty, and used the results to develop a new system for managing Buddhism images according to desires of Thai Buddhists. The size of the data was calculated using Yamane formula and 400 samples by were collected through Cluster sampling. The empirical data was analyzed using percentage, arithmetic mean, CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector), and simple regression correlation coefficient.
Results suggested that
- The study reveals that image of Buddhism in Thailand as a whole was at the high average (
= 3.56), which can be separated into rating of Buddhism image on religious figures or monks (
= 3.44) and rating of image on religious symbol or buildings (
= 3.69)
- There is a significant correlation between image of Buddhism and royalty of the Buddhist (
.05, r = 0.383)
- The findings above led the researcher to the following recommen dations:
3.1 Buddhist organizations should increase more Dharma activities among governmental institutions, private sectors, and public organizations while creating new mediums for people to access information regarding Buddhism.
3.2 Everyone should be involved in the restoration of religious objects in order to create a long lasting image of Buddhism in Thailand.
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