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The objectives of this research were as follows 1. To study an application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province. 2. To compare an application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and incomes as differently. 3. To study the suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions an application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province.
The research results found that.-
- An application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province by overviews all ten aspects found that there were at moderate level, when considered in each aspects found that the aspect of precept and the aspect of non-violence were the highest average, and followed up the aspect of honesty and politely and the aspect of self-control was the lowest average, classified in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and incomes found that by overviews were at moderate level.
- 2. The comparative results on application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province in term of occupations found that there were different as statistical significance at. .05 but in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education and incomes found that there were not different as statistical significance at. 05.
- 3. The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions in application of Dasapitrajadhamma (ten rules) for administration of administrators in Singhanakhon city municipality, Songkhla province. The problems found that lack of social welfare, lack of self-sacrifice and lack of honesty in duty. The resolutions found that there should be more social welfare in community, i.e children, women, there should help them as equal without bias and there should promote honesty, and transparency in administration.
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How to Cite
หนูทองแก้ว ก., & ปริยัติกิจจาภิรม พ. (2017). A AN APPLICATION OF DASAPITRAJADHAMMA (TEN RULES) FOR ADMINISTRATION OF ADMINISTRATORS IN SINGHANAKHON CITY MUNICIPALITY, SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 4(1), 47–61. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/153193
Research Articles
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