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พระครูสิริ ธรรมาภิรัต
ธิดารัตน์ เพียรดี
พระครูรัตน สุตากร


The thesis title on “An analytical study of the Impact of Ciñcamāņavikā in association with the fools as appeared in the Buddhist texts” Three objectives of  this thesis were 1) to study the fault in association with the fools as appeared  in the Buddhist text 2) to study Ciñcamāņavikā’s biography relating to several persons  in the Buddhist text and 3) to analyse the impact of  Ciñcamāņavikā due to her association  with the fools in the Buddhist text.

         Its results were found that association with the fools caused that person who had  associated was misled. That is because as any person associates with someone wicked so will he become. Though he does not do any evils, he gets connected with some doers of evil, resulting in doubt about him as well as in pessimism leading him to discredit from the public. Moreover, it still brings him downfall, failure and danger; and even ultimately, he becomes destructive of benefits in both worlds-this world and the world afterwards. Also, he goes to the states of misery after death.

         Ciñcamāņavikā, a lady of her gracious beauty, has some interesting histories worthwhile studying in the Buddha’s lifetime. They have been related to the Buddha since His past existence up to His present one. In somewhat negative relation, they were obviously shown in Mahāpaduma jātaka. She abused the Bodhisattva to be executed. Also, in Cūl.apaduma jātaka, she was born as a wife of the Bodhisattva but she had committed adultery with a thief secretly; and then set her plan to hurt the Bodhisattva. Apart from these, when born as Amittatāpanā, she set up her trick by persuading Jūjaka to harm the Bodhisattva at Wongkot mountain. In the present time, she becomes connected with some foolish persons, the heretical teachers; and then she is converted to discredit the Buddha’s howour regarding misconduct of religious life which happened during the time after His 7th rain-retreat. And there was a movement of bad actions because  she was always supported or backed up by such heretical teachers. Really, Ciñcamāņavikā was just a device of those foolish men.

            Impact of Ciñcamāņavikā due to her association with the fools in the Buddhist texts was found that some disadvantages which happened to her are that     she was misled by trying to make up untrue situation in order to cause good people to misunderstand. In such a situation, it caused her not to go back home for a few months; and she became deficient of her duty as a good daughter, depriving her of progress inher life and making her a wicked person like those heretical teachers with wrong view.  Furthermore, she suffered both in this world and in the world afterwards. As a result,  she was instantaneously sucked down by the earth into the lowest hell; and at  the same time, such the heretical teachers became discredited from several people,  causing them to lead their more difficult lives. However, at its best, Ciñcamāņavikā’s   deeds enhance and boost Buddhism more like black makes white more brilliant.

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How to Cite
ธรรมาภิรัต พ., เพียรดี ธ., & สุตากร พ. (2016). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF CIÑCAMĀŅAVIKĀ IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE FOOLS AS APPEARED IN THE BUDDHIST TEXTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 3(1), 61–76. retrieved from
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