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The objectives of this reserch were as follows 1.. To study on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province 2. To compare on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province in terms of sexes, class levels, average grades and parents occupations as 3. To Study on the ways to Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire which designed by the researcher at the 0.895 of co-efficiency, data analysis by package computer program, the statistics for data analysis were applied as follows; frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T-test, one way ANOVA or F-test and to test the difference of arithmetic mean in each pair by LSD (Least Significant Difference)
The findings were as follows;
- 1. The students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province had applied an Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life by overview in four aspects found that there were at more level when considered in each aspect from more to less found that the aspect of Dhammanudhamapatipati (applying) was the highest mean and followed up the aspect of Yonisomanasikara (investigation) but the aspect of Suppurisaṅseva (good company) was the lowest mean and when considered in terms of sexes by overview was at more level, in terms of class levels on Matthayom1, there were at more level but on Matthayom2 and Matthayom3, there were at moderate level, in terms of average grades on 2.00 and lower, there were at moderate level but on 2.01 – 3.00 and 3.01 – 4. 00, there were at more level and in terms of parents occupations on agriculture / general works and commercial / business there were at more level but government work / public sector , there were at moderate level.
- 2. The comparative results on application of Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province in terms of class levels found that there were different as statistically significance at .001, in terms of average grades found that there were different as statistically significance at 0.05 but in terms of sexes, parents occupations found that there were not different as statistically significance at 0.05
- 3. The suggestion on the ways to promote on Vudḍḥidhamma for living in daily life of students in Samankhunvitthayadana school, Had Yai district, Songkhla province found that the aspect of Suppurisaṅseva (good company) was the highest frequency i.e. They should be advised by their parents in the case of personal problems.
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