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อุทัย เอกสะพัง
พระครู โกศลศรัทธาธรรม
ดิเรก นุ่นกล่ำ


The  objectives of this thesis were as follows : 1) To study the performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province. 2) To compare the performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes as differently and 3) To study the suggestions were concerned on the way to promote the performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province. The population were people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province at the number of 422 persons, the sample size according to the table of Krejcie and Morgan at the deviation of 0.05, got the sample at the number of 201 persons, the instrument  for data collection was questionnaire both closed and open ended questions, data analysis by finding the value of frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and paired comparison of arithmetic mean by Scheffe’s method.

The research results found that.

1) The performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province found that by overview was at most level, when considered in each aspects found that the aspect of Surameraya was the highest average, and followed up the aspect of Atinnadana and the aspect of Musavada was the lowest average, classified in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes found that by overview was at most level.

2) The comparative results the performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province in terms of sexes, and degrees of education as differently found that there were different as statistically significance at .001, in term of ages found that there were different as statistically significance at .05, but in terms of occupations and monthly incomes found that there were not different as statistically significance at .05.

3) The suggestions were concerned on the performance according to the five precepts in daily life of people in Bankungyang community, Thakham sub-district, Surat Thani  province found that there should avoid the occupations that conflict with moral way, i.e. to sell the alive animals and  to know about the disadvantages of alcohol to body and there should be trained about the five precepts to the people.

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How to Cite
เอกสะพัง อ., โกศลศรัทธาธรรม พ., & นุ่นกล่ำ ด. (2015). A STUDY OF PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO FIVE PRECEPTS IN DAILY LIFE OF PEOPLE IN BANKUNGYANG COMMUNITY,THAKHAM SUB-DISTRICT,PHUNPHIN DISTRICT, SURAT THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 2(2), 53–66. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/152955
Research Articles


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