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นิพนธ์ ทิพย์ศรีนิมิต
พระครู พิสิฐปุญญากร


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study principles and methods of Buddhism dissemination according to Buddhist scholar’s views, 2) study the role in Buddhism dissemination of Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith, and 3) study results of Buddhism dissemination of Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith. The research used a specific case study. The informants were the followers, colleeges, and the target groups in Buddhism dissemination of Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith (Nual Parisuttho) who closely observed the practice of Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith and believed in his teachings. In this case, the informants consisted of Buddhist priest monks 9 persons, and Layman 15 persons, civil servants, and pupils/students. Document study mixed with field study by in-depth interview was employed. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis to present the results and suggestions.


          The study showed as the followings.

  1. 1. For the principles and methods of Buddhism dissemination according to Buddhist scholar’s views, the study found three main principles, covering not to do any evil, to do good; to cultivate good, and to purify the mind. There were ten methods, composed of giving examples and tales, using comparison, using teaching materials, showing as a sample, using language and wordplay, selecting persons to practice individually, understanding moment and chance, having flexibility in using methods, punishing and rewarding, and troubleshooting.

  2. 2. For the role in Buddhism dissemination, Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith had been implementing according to the ways of Sangha Supreme Council as the followings. In terms of government, he seized four principles which were appointing the suitable persons to govern, controlling based on the code of monastic disciplines, generating rules of the temple, and practicing as a sample. In terms of religious studies, he promoted following to the Threefold Learning. In terms of welfare, he set up Nual Parisuttho Fund to support education of children and youths and to support materials for schools. In terms of Buddhism dissemination, he practiced as a sample, arranged Dhamma practice activity, and arranged training courses for youths and general people. In terms of utilities, he led people to build the temple and other temporalities. Lastly in terms of public assistance, he assisted in building schools, temples, roads, and hospitals.

  3. 3. For Buddhism dissemination of Phrakhru Visuttibhdoonydith, the study showed that people understood in Dhamma principles for their life. People were promoted to believe in Buddhism. He became a religious center of people in the community, causing unity. Similarly, the benefits also came to monks. More belief in Buddhism was found. Necessary temporalities in the temples were provided. For Buddhism, people really believed in Buddhism and practiced themselves according to Buddhism teachings accurately.

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How to Cite
ทิพย์ศรีนิมิต น., & พิสิฐปุญญากร พ. (2015). A STUDY BUDDHISM DISSEMINATION OF PHRKHRU VISUTTIBHDOONYDITH (NUAL PARISUTTHO). Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 2(2), 67–78. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/152950
Research Articles


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