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เดชชาติ ตรีทรัพย์
วันเพ็ญ สำคัญจิต
มะลิวัลย์ โยธารักษ์


The research title on application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province. The objectives were as follows 1. To study on application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province. 2. To compare on application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangngaprovincein terms of sexes, class levels, averages grades, and parents’ occupation as differently. 3. To study the suggestions were concerned with the way to promote on the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province. The populations were students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province. In academic year 2013, there are about 1,148 persons, sample size according to Krejcie and Morgan' table measurement, the samples were about 285 persons. Sampling by simple random sampling.The instrument for data collection was questionnaire, data analysis by finding the value of frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and to test the difference of arithmetic mean in each pair by LSD method (Least Significant Difference).


          The research results found that.

  1. 1. An application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga Province by overview was at more level, when considered in each aspect found that the aspect of Viriya was the highest mean and followed up the aspect of Chanda, Jitta and the aspect of Vimansa was the lowest mean respectively, when classified in terms of sexes, class levels, average grades, and parent's occupations found that by overview was at more level.

          2.The comparative results on application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province in terms of sexes found that there were different as statistically significance at 0.05 but in terms of average grades, class levels and parents' occupations found that there were not different as statistically significance at 0.05

          3. The suggestions were concerned with the way to promote on application of the four paths of accomplishment for learning of the students in Thapput Vidthayaschool, Thapput district, Phangnga province. The highest frequency was the aspect of Chanda, there should train on virtue and ethics in school for student to regard on virtue and ethics,to decrease some desire in daily life i.e. mobile ect. And to be built on public mind.

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How to Cite
ตรีทรัพย์ เ., สำคัญจิต ว., & โยธารักษ์ ม. (2015). THE STUDY ON THE FOUR PATHS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR LEARNING OF THE STUDENTS IN THAPPUTWITTAYA SCHOOL, THAPPUT DISTRICT, PHANGNGA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 2(2), 39–52. retrieved from
Research Articles


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