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เสริมสุข วิจารณ์สถิตย์


The article was a part of the research entitled the Comparative Analysis of Prenatal Development between Buddhist and Obstetrical Views. The article aimed at presenting the development of human mind and the guildline to build up virtue morality for the children since in womb. This article employs documentary research and In-depth interview.

          The results show that man consists of body and mind (consciousness). For the interpretation of human genesis at the embryo stage, Kalala is the embryo during the implantation stage in Obstetrics. Fetus begins to experience six senses mind (consciousness), touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste from the surroundings, emotions, memories and dreams since in womb. Virtue morality can be developed in children since the fetal stage with the guideline P3-P3-P3 (PPP3) which means the three Periods of time, the three Performances and the three Puñña-kiriyā-vatthu. To elaborate, the three performance factors are parental physical healthcare, psychology (attitudes) and childrearing practice. These should all be observed in the three periods of time, namely: pre-pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal. Parents should take care of themselves and their children in terms of physical health and psychological well-being. Children also learn from their parents the way to value and prioritize things in life by practicing or performing the three bases of meritorious action, the three Puñña-kiriyā-vatthu: Charitable giving (dāna), Morality (sīla) and Meditation (bhāvanā).

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How to Cite
วิจารณ์สถิตย์ เ. (2018). THE GUILDINE TO BUILD UP VIRTUE MORALITY FOR THE CHILDREN SINCE IN WOMB. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(3), 872–894. retrieved from
Research Articles


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