The effect towards Thai Buddhists way of life from the violent situation in the five southern border provinces

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กันตภณ หนูทองแก้ว


The objectives of this research were as follows: - To study the effect towards Thai Buddhists way of life of Thai Buddhists from the violent situation in the five southern border provinces. This is the mixed method research. The population were people in five southern border provinces, the instruments for data collection were composed of questionnaire, in-dept interview, and data analysis was carried out by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation.


          The findings were as following:- 

  1. The effect towards Thai Buddhists way of life from the violent situation in the five southern border provinces found that The causes of violent situation occurrence in the three southern border provinces which caused from terrorists fought with government officers, drug problems, black influences, and local influences, the force of laws were not go along with local way of life of people, to conflict about interests with local influences etc. And Buddhism effective aspect found that monks and novices could not play any religious missions according to Buddhist principles as usual, i.e’ arms around, dissemination of Dhamma, Sanggha duty and Buddhist ceremonies, all said were effected to tradition, customs and way of life of Thai Buddhist to be more and more, and sanitation effective aspect found that Thai Buddhists had happiness, immunization disease, communicable disease and tension disease in the high level, lack of doctors, medical personnel and nurses.

  2. The survival life of Thai Buddhist from the violent situation in the five southern border provinces found that, the Thai Buddhists must regard the problems or state of problems that caused of violent both inner and outside factors to fight for survive from violent and security of life and wealth throughout tension that happening by Buddha methods i.e the fold path, sympathy, Sati-Sampachanya, throughout Garavasadhamma as the way to get peaceful for way of living of Buddhists and becoming real peacefulness in their life and safety in the five southern border provinces.

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How to Cite
หนูทองแก้ว ก. (2018). The effect towards Thai Buddhists way of life from the violent situation in the five southern border provinces. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 165–183. retrieved from
Research Articles


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